Friday, April 20, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not

Now this is not about to be a confession, "I am a food hoarder", but I realized recently how much food and money we were wasting in my house. Every time I would come home with a load of groceries I would see how much food we actually had in our cabinets, most of which, I am embarrassed to admit, had been sitting there for quite a while. So, last weekend before I made my weekly shopping list I purged my kitchen. There were items in there that I would constantly say to myself, "Oh yeah I still have 'that', I should use it soon". Well, little did I realize it but I had been saying that for a while because some of the items you see in the picture above expired last year...eeeek!

Now, everyone I am sure can open a cabinet or their fridge and find an item or two that has been sitting there for a while, whether it be expired or not. I know that I am not the only one out there, but with our financial state not so great I have no excuse but to be better about what is circulating through my kitchen. So, I have made it my new mission to only buy what I truly need and each week when planning meals, I need to take a look at what I already have and also what may be expiring soon then plan my meals. Duh!..I know right? Common sense....I fall short of this some times.

My other goal, which right now I am having trouble with, is to be using more coupons and watching sales. I envy my fellow mom friends who can find the best bargain on just about anything. Those extreme couponers that you see on TV, yeah they may be a little obsessive, but there are definitely tips and tricks to be learned by even the average frugal mom. So this is my plea for help. I need help learning how to plan my weekly shopping around sales, deals and coupons. My pathetic attempt to search the web for coupons came up empty this past weekend. I was looking for specific items that I had on my list...didn't work. Even my husband will tell you that I squeak when I walk so if some how I could be shown the right way to do it then I know I could be saving my family a lot of money. I would appreciate any advice I can get.

Ok, so this box of Swiss miss has been sitting in my cabinet for atleast as long as we have lived in my house, 2 1/2 years. It could also be from before we even moved in here. The problem is no where on this box can I find any kind of date, whether it be from when it was packaged or expires. Does this mean it never expires? Needless to say this box is now residing in my trash barrel, but I found it very odd to not find an expiration date on it. Even water has an expiration date these days!

Captain Jon

My husband found his passion for the sea at a very young age. At about twelve years old he would spend his free time hanging around the Plymouth town wharf and boat ramp. He would specifically hang out near the boat ramp to offer assistance to those who were hauling their boats from the water in return for a tip. He got to know many of the people who worked down there and was eventually hired to work as a deck hand by Captain John Boats and he has been there ever since.

Now, before I go any further let me tell you a little story about myself. Anyone who went through the Plymouth public school system has, at one point, been on a class trip on the Captain John Boats. I am no different. I remember that day very clearly. I personally do not get sea sick but many of my class mates did that day and that is something I do not handle well. I spent most of my trip sitting on a bench with my head in my knees and my hands over my ears. I will never forget pulling into the dock and seeing my mom standing there, she was a sight for sore eyes if ever in my life. I swore I would never set foot on another Capt. J boat again, and for many years I didn't even acknowledge there existence. Little did I know but those over sized hunks of steel would become a huge part of my life.

I fell in love with my husband on those boats. Most woman love a man in uniform as well as watching a man work. Well ladies, you put my husband in his cargo shorts, that blue colored captains shirt and put him behind the wheel of the boat and I am a puddle on the floor. Now, don't get me wrong this isn't a perfect love story of living happily ever after. When the summer months came with it came very long hours and with a man who is extremely dedicated to what he does I couldn't help but feel a little left behind at times, add to that immaturity and a young relationship and you will get lots of arguments and sometimes even blow out fights. Jonny and I struggled fort he first few years of our relationship but only during those long summer months. When most people where begging for warmer weather to come I was cringing inside. I have to admit there is a part of me that still does. So with out getting into all the gory details of our rocky road I will simply say it has been a huge learning and growing experience for us, one that has made our relationship that much stronger.

 I take a lot of pride in what my husband does and I know he does as well. One of the great things about doing this kind of work is that it has allowed for some great experiences not only for the two of us but our families as well. From your every day whale watches to the 4th of July Fireworks show, We get a front row seat for all the best stuff! The summer of 2006 was the first year we really took advantage of this. A large group of family and friends all went out to watch the fireworks on the boat. That was the night while standing under the fireworks surrounded by some of my closest family and friends he proposed to me.

The announcement was made to the three other boats in the fleet that night which led to my husband taking a bow standing on the very top of the boat while all the other boats blew there horns in congrats. When we arrived back at the dock I had a line of people getting of the boats wanting to see the ring. I think I was in a total fog by the end of that night. I will never forget it! Here are some pics from over the years.

I will often say that my husband has a mistress and there she is. We will drive through the waterfront and he will say "There is my b!#ch, isn't she sexy".

Yes, quite often I find myself on the verge of having a heart attack watching him climb around the boats like a monkey. He makes it look so easy when climbing from on boat to the next.

Every summer the Tails of the Sea participates in The Boat Parade where the boat is decorated with flags and lights. We always have a great time on these nights. Our favorite DJ John Tibbets is usually there keeping us dancing and entertained through the night.

This picture was taken the summer of '09 when I was pregnant with Maggie.

Daddy's little co-captain

Every summer we have family visit from out of state and they always take the time for a whale watch with Jonny. Always a fun time, hopefully this year we will be able to join them.

Piloting the Pilgrim Belle

Every once in a while Jonny will do a sunset trip on the Pilgrim Bell. As much as he prefers to be on The Tails doing a whale watch I always take advantage of these leisurely trips. It is a beautiful boat and most nights you can catch killer sunset!

Maggie has yet to be out on a trip with her Daddy, aside from a harbor cruise. I will admit it has been a long time since I have gone on a whale watch with him since having Maggie. We will hopefully be taking Maggie out on her maiden voyage soon so stay tuned.

She still loves to go see Daddy on his boat and explore.

Helping Daddy drive on the 4th of July Fireworks Harbor Cruise.

This past Monday Jonny was bringing the Pilgrim Belle from the boat yard in New Bedford back to Plymouth Harbor. On their way they pass through the canal. Maggie and I took the opportunity to go down and watch him. Maggie was very excited.

Here he comes!


I feel extremely lucky to be married to such an amazing man. He will probably yell at me when he finds out that I wrote all this about him, and even though he won't admit it, I know he appreciates the recognition.

Aunt Annie's Childcare: Happiness, pleasure and the joy of being broke

I read this post on a blog that I have been following and I had to share it. She talks about the difference between "happiness" and "pleasure". So often you see parents try to make there children happy with material things which provides "pleasure" or what I call "instant gratification" instead of true happiness. I think society needs a little reality check these days as to what being truly happy is all about. It has nothing to do with your possessions instead your relationships. Instead of giving your child something, give them your time. Spending time on the floor playing with them is far more valuable than a toy that can be purchased in the store. Often when Maggie and I are doing our routine things like bath time, reading a book, or going for a walk she will look at me and say "I so happy mommy". It melts my heart and I hope I can continue to raise her with a simple love for life.

Friday, April 13, 2012

What's the Weather?

This week my theme with the kids was weather. For once I was actually hoping for some rain so they could really relate to what were talking about but it ended up being a beautiful week. Here are some pictures from this week and some of the projects we did.

We used hula-hoops and pretended they were puddles that we could jump in.

How did I get so lucky that I get to do this every day.

There is always time for dress-up!

Two beautiful princesses!

Talk about static!

Chasing bubbles

They were figuring out how the wind blows the bubbles around.

I meant to take pictures of them actually doing the projects but I kept forgetting. I will remember for the future. We made rainbows with tissue paper and a paper plate. I had them use a paint brush to paint the glue on then they stuck the tissue paper on.

They glued cotton balls on paper for clouds...

Then we used the cotton balls to paint the clouds

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

I have always loved the Holidays. I am very blessed to have a large family with whom I am very close with. Most of my fondest memories are of times spent with family. Marrying my husband brought me into yet another very large, very close family, so these days on a single holiday we end up having to venture to three families toting a sugar crazed, nap deprived toddler. It is usually exhausting but still, I wouldn't have it any other way. This Easter was no different. Our morning at home with Maggie was great. She is really getting into the magic of the Holidays and understanding how it all works. We, well the Easter Bunny, surprised her with her first big girl bike. It was great to see her reaction. Then we were headed out on our road trip.

These pics are from the day before Easter. My mom (Grammie) came over to help us with our Easter Eggs. This was the first year I did them at my house. I love that it is time to start new traditions with my growing family that we'll be enjoying for several years to come.

Maggie was so proud of her eggs!

Egg Hunt #1

I can't believe how big my little girl is!

She says "I so pretty mommy"

Stop #1 The Shannon/Dennen Family
Maggie with her cousins Alex and Tyler

Love these kids

Egg Hunt #2

Stop #2
The Hadley Family

My Beauty

Of course a few days before the holiday Maggie fell and got a booboo on her nose.

Dancing with bubbles

Stop #3 The Havey Family
Egg Hunt #3

Maggie's cousin Sean

Maggie's cousin Emma

Emma, Jake
Sean, Maggie

These two spent half the night playing with the gate.

Happy Easter Everyone!