Marjorie Kate Dennen "Maggie" was born on December 19th 2009 at 8:09pm weighing 9lbs 13oz and 21 inches long. She was named after my Gram (My mom's mom) Marjorie N. Havey and Jonny's Grandmother (His mother's mom) Mary Kate Dennen. She has truly been a gift from God. I know it sounds corny but this little girl has so much personality and is so smart she blows me away every day. The amount of happiness she has brought to our families is unbelievable. I thought for sure that I was having a boy when I was first pregnant and I was honestly terrified of having a girl. Although I am still not quite looking forward to the teenage years, having a little girl has been the most amazing experience I think I could ever have. Here are just a few of my favorite pictures of her from over the past 2 1/2 years.
Me just under 40 weeks pregnant
Best ultrasound picture ever!
Maggie 4 days old
Maggie 3 months old
Maggie 9 months old
Maggie 12 months old
Maggie 18 months old
Maggie and her Daddy. Summer 2011
Maggie being a goof ball. NH Vacation Summer 2011
Maggie and her cousins Tyler and Alex. Fall 2011
Christmas 2012
St. Patrick's Day 2012
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