Our first week was "All About Me"
I created these worksheets to fill out with the children. We had a height chart posted on the wall where I measured how tall everyone was. Unfortunately it was ripped off the wall before I could take a picture. I also weighed everyone on my scale and had a mirror for everyone to look into and talk about what color eyes and hair they had. The children were able to pick their favorite activities to do during the week as well.
The second week was "Our Families"
We talked about who was part of our families and looked at family pictures that were brought in from home. I am in the process of making a family photo album with all the family pictures for the children to be able to look at and share with their friends. I also cut out these people shapes (shown above) and had the children glue them to construction paper then draw each person in their family.
Week number three was one of my favorites: "Apples"
I love apple picking in the September.
We painted our arms hands and fingers to make these cute apple trees.
We also cut apples in half for the children to check out what is inside. Then we used the apple half's as stampers. I was a little difficult to get the apples perfectly flat to make a good print but the children enjoyed it anyway. We also did apple taste testing. The children tried different kids of apples and decided which one they liked the best.
The Fourth week was all about "Community Helpers".
I focused on Firefighters, Mailmen, and Doctors.
I created this chart and had the kids match each object to the community helper that uses it.
On the playground the children pretended the climbing structure was a fire truck. In this picture they are pretending to paint the fire truck.
We also wrote letters for their Mommy's and Daddy's then put them in the mail box to be picked up and delivered by the mailman. The children loved this activity.
When talking about Doctors I traced the childrens' arms and hands and had them place band aids on them and talk bout a boo boo they have gotten and who helped make them feel all better.
Then, of course we had to play doctor. The children are already very much into this so they are old pros at it.
September was a fun month I can't believe it is already over!